Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the difference between UI credentials and API credentials?

A: Your UI credentials allow you to log into your PaySimple merchant account online at: Your API credentials are delivered by email and are used when creating an authorization header for any request you create. See more information in the Authentication and Authorization section.

Q: How do I receive my credentials to Sandbox or Production environments?

A: If you need PaySimple Sandbox test account credentials, please send your request to [email protected]. To request production credentials, please have the authorized signer on your account reach out to our Customer Care team at 1-800-466-0992 ext 2.

Q: What is the difference between Sandbox and Production?

A: See Sandbox and Production.

Q: What fields are required or recommended?

A: Depending on your request, there may be many required fields (properties) necessary in the request body. See the Api Reference for which fields.

Q: I got an error, what does it mean?

A: See Common API Errors