Get Order By Id

Returns order details for a given order id. Useful for gathering details such as custom field data after a webhook event is received.

GET /order/{id}


200 OK
    "data": {
        "id": "odr_5b730d12253bb55f1ceb36f1",
        "order_number": "N3788",
        "created_at": "2018-08-14T17:10:50.972Z",
        "sale_type": "virtual_terminal",
        "customer": {
            "id": "8042410",
            "first_name": "John",
            "last_name": "Smith",
            "email": "",
            "addresses": []
        "order_status": "paid",
        "payment_status": "authorized",
        "items": [
                "offering_id": "o_5b0320f4253baf57c0f367e7",
                "name": "Button Down Shirt",
                "quantity": 2,
                "price": 3,
                "amount_subtotal": 6.06,
                "custom_data": [],
                "fees": [
                        "id": "fs_59389a39253baf43c8ec9468",
                        "name": "Processing Fee",
                        "value": "3%",
                        "amount_total": 0.18
                "taxes": [
                        "id": "fs_58c87fa1253bb02fa04325d4",
                        "name": "Colorado Tax",
                        "value": "3%",
                        "amount_total": 0.18
                "discount": {
                    "id": "fs_58c973e8253bc42fa060dd78",
                    "name": "Loyal Customer Discount",
                    "value": "2%",
                    "amount_total": 0.12
                "offering_id": "o_5b5110c3253bb11260a201ec",
                "name": "Shirt of the month club",
                "quantity": 1,
                "price": 34,
                "amount_subtotal": 15.05,
                "custom_data": [
                        "label": "Shirt Size",
                        "field_id": "5b730034253bb19ad49c3302",
                        "value": "Small"
                "subscription_id": "sub_5b730d1a253bb55f1ceb36f4",
                "proration": {
                    "full_amount": 34,
                    "period_days": 31,
                    "prorated_days": 14,
                    "period_start_date": "2018-07-28",
                    "start_date": "2018-08-14",
                    "end_date": "2018-08-28",
                    "discounted_proration_adjustment": 18.27
                "recurrence": {
                    "day_of_month_type": "specific_day_of_month",
                    "specific_day_of_month": 28,
                    "frequency": "monthly",
                    "periods_between_occurrence": 1
                "fees": [],
                "taxes": [],
                "discount": {
                    "id": "fs_58c973e8253bc42fa060dd78",
                    "name": "Loyal Customer Discount",
                    "value": "2%",
                    "amount_total": 0.68
        "transactions": [
                "id": 29124747,
                "created_at": "2018-08-14T17:10:51.012Z",
                "status": "authorized",
                "funding": "payment",
                "amount": 41.89,
                "credit_card_account": {
                    "id": 7314072,
                    "last4": "7099",
                    "card_type": "master_card",
                    "expiration": {
                        "year": 2019,
                        "month": 10
                "payment_type": "credit_card",
                "payment_type_code": "Moto",
                "payment_source": "virtual_terminal",
                "auth_code": "573826",
                "is_refund": false,
                "salesperson": {
                    "id": 61288,
                    "user_name": "",
                    "first_name": "Sally",
                    "last_name": "Sales"
                "estimated_deposit_date": "2018-08-16T06:00:00Z",
                "can_void_until": "2018-08-15T02:45:00Z",
                "input_method": "key_entered"
        "order_fees": [
                "id": "fs_5a4c00bd253baf50404aafbd",
                "name": "ship fee 5",
                "amount_total": 20,
                "taxes": [
                        "id": "fs_58c87fa1253bb02fa04325d4",
                        "name": "Colorado Tax",
                        "value": "3%",
                        "amount_total": 3
        "taxes": [
                "id": "fs_58c87fa1253bb02fa04325d4",
                "name": "Colorado Tax",
                "value": "3%",
                "amount_total": 0.78
        "amount_tax": 0.78,
        "amount_tip": 0,
        "amount_subtotal": 41.11,
        "amount_total": 41.89,
        "amount_paid": 41.89,
        "amount_due": 0,
        "amount_refunded": 0

Order Properties

idstringUnique identifier of order.
order_numberstringDisplay number of order.
created_atdatetimeDate and time order created.
sale_typestringPaySimple system from which the order was created (see Sale Types)
customerobjectPaySimple Customer.
customer.idintegerUnique identifier of customer.
customer.first_namestringFirst name of customer.
customer.last_namestringLast name of customer.
customer.emailstringEmail of customer.
customer.addressesarrayShipping or service addresses collected at checkout (see Address Properties)
order_statusstringCurrent state of order (see Order Status Types).
payment_statusstringThe state of the last payment made against the order (see Payment Status Types). If no payments have been made, this value will not be returned.
itemsarrayOrder line items (see Order Item Properties.
transactionsarrayPayments and refunds made on order (see Transaction Properties).
order_feesarrayOrder level fees charged (see Order Fee Properties).
amount_taxdecimalTotal tax amount charged
amount_tipdecimalTotal tip amount charged
amount_subtotaldecimalTotal amount charged, not including tax
amount_totaldecimalTotal amount of order
amount_paiddecimalAmount of amount_total that has been paid
amount_duedecimalBalance due on order
amount_refundeddecimalAmount of payments that have been refunded to the customer

Sale Types

virtual_terminalCreated by merchant in Point of Sale
online_storeCreated by customer in Online Store
recurring_paymentCreated by recurring payment
payment_planCreated by payment plan
invoiceCreated by paying invoice
apiCreated via API 4
iosCreated by mobile app using device running Apple iOS
androidCreated by mobile app using device running Android
batchCreated by import batch
subscriptionCreated by billing schedule
order_detailsCreated by merchant from order details page
embeddableCreated by embeddable such as buy now button

Address Properties

company_namestringCompany name of address
address1stringStreet address line one
address2stringStreet address line two
zip_codestringPostal code
address_typesarrayType of address. Values: shipping, service

Order Status Types

paidOrder is fully paid.
unpaidNo succesful payments have been made on the order and there is an outstanding balance due.
cancelledOrder cancelled. No more payments can be collected on the order.
partially_paidSuccessful payment(s) have been made on the order, however there is still an outstanding balance due.

Payment Status Types

no_payment_requiredOrder created at checkout had only items scheduled for the future, thus no payment was required ($0 amount due).
unknownThe initial stage for every transaction sent for authorization. The system assigns this status while waiting for an authorization response. In some rare cases, if communication is disrupted before the system gets a response, the transaction will remain in the unknown status.
postedCredit Card and ACH payments that have been entered in the system, but not yet settled. This is the initial status for an authorized but unsettled ACH transaction.
settledA settled ACH or Credit Card payment.
failedAttempted transactions that were never authorized or completed.
voidedA voided ACH or Credit Card transaction.
reversedA transaction that has been reversed (refunded). When a settled transaction is refunded, the status of that transaction changes to reversed. Displays as status "Refunded" in the PaySimple UI.
reverse_postedThe credit transaction generated when a settled ACH transaction is refunded. When the refund settles, the status changes to refund_settled. Displays as "Refund (Posted)" in the PaySimple UI.
chargebackAn ACH payment being disputed by the customer.
authorizedCredit card payments and refunds that have been authorized, but not yet submitted for processing.
returnedACH payments that were initially posted but ultimately unsuccessful for any reason other than non-sufficient funds or chargeback.
reverse_n_s_fAn ACH transaction that failed because the customer had insufficient funds in the account to cover the payment. Displays as "Returned (NSF)" in the PaySimple UI.
refund_settledA settled Credit Card or ACH refund transaction. Displays as "Refund Settled" in the PaySimple UI.
refund_scheduledA refund is scheduled for the future

Order Item Properties

offering_idstringUnique identifier of the offering (catalog item).
namestringName of item purchased as defined in the catalog.
quantityintegerNumber of items purchased
pricedecimalPrice of one item
amount_subtotaldecimalTotal amount charged for catalog item, adding fees and subtracting discounts (not including taxes)
custom_dataarrayCustom field data collected at checkout (see Custom Field Data Properties)
subscription_idstringId of billing schedule created by this item at checkout
prorationobjectDetails of item proration (not returned if not recurring item or proration not enabled).
proration.period_daysintegerNumber of days in the billing cycle
proration.prorated_daysintegerNumber of days for which the item should be billed for in the cycle
proration.period_start_datedateFirst day in the billing cycle
proration.start_datedateFirst billable day
proration.end_datedateLast billable day
proration.discounted_proration_adjustmentdecimalThe amount the item was prorated (subtracted from full_amount), after any discounts are applied
recurrenceobjectDetails of billing schedule recurrence, only returned if billing schedule created from item (See Recurrence Properties).
feesarrayFees applied to item (see Fee Properties)
taxesarrayTaxes applied to item (see Tax Properties
discountobjectLine item discount applied to item. Not returned if no discount applied.
discount.idstringUnique identifier of discount in catalog.
discount.namestringName of discount in catalog.
discount.valuestringAmount of discount in $ or % terms as defined in catalog.
discount.amount_totaldecimalAmount subtracted from line item total from discount.

Custom Field Data Properties

labelstringCustom field name
field_IdstringUnique identifier of custom field in catalog
valuestringCustom field value entered at checkout

Recurrence Properties

frequencystringValues: daily, weekly, monthly, yearly
occurrencesintegerIndicates number of payment schedules to run. If not provided, schedule will run until suspended or cancelled.
periods_between_occurrenceintegerIndicates number of periods between schedule running. Example: value '2' would indicate 'every other month' when frequency is set to monthly.

Weekly Recurrence Properties

day_of_weekstringValues: sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday

Yearly Recurrence Properties

monthintegerMonth of year to run.

Monthly & Yearly Recurrence Properties

day_of_month_typestringValues: day_of_purchase, specific_day_of_month, day_pattern.
specific_day_of_monthboolReturned when day_of_month_type is specific_day_of_month.
day_patternobjectReturned when day_of_month_type is day_pattern

Day Pattern Properties

ordinalstringValues: last, first, second, third, fourth
daystringValues: sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, day, weekday, weekend_day

Fee Properties

idstringUnique identifier of fee in catalog.
namestringName of fee in catalog.
valuestringAmount of fee in $ or % terms as defined in catalog.
amount_totaldecimalAmount of fee charged.

Tax Properties

idstringUnique identifier of tax in catalog.
namestringName of tax in catalog.
valuestringAmount of tax in % terms as defined in catalog.
amount_totaldecimalAmount of tax charged.

Transaction Properties

idintegerUnique identifier of transaction.
created_atdatetimeDate and time transaction was created.
statusstringCurrent state of transaction (see Payment Status Types
fundingstringType of funding for payment (see Funding Types)
amountdecimalAmount charged for payment
credit_card_accountobjectCredit card details (only returned if payment_type is credit_card)
credit_card_account.idintegerUnique id of customer credit card account
credit_card_account.last4stringLast 4 digits of credit card PAN
credit_card_account.card_typestringValues: master_card, visa, discover, amex
credit_card_account.expirationobjectExpiration date of card
credit_card_account.expiration.yearintegerExpiration year of card
credit_card_account.expiration.monthintegerExpiration month of card
payment_typestringValues: credit_card, ach, cash, check
payment_type_codestringValues: Moto or Swipe for credit card payments and WEB, PPD, CCD, TEL for ACH.
payment_sourcestringPaySimple system where the payment originated (see Payment Source Types)
auth_codestringPayment authorization code returned by processor.
is_refundbooleanTrue if payment is refund
salespersonobjectUser who made payment
salesperson.idintegerUnique id of user who made payment
salesperson.user_namestringUsername of user who made payment
salesperson.first_namestringFirst name of user who made payment
salesperson.last_namestringLast name of user who made payment
estimated_deposit_datedatetimeEstimated date funds will be deposited in payee's account.
can_void_untildatetimeTime payment may be voided before it is submitted to the processor.
input_methodstringHow a credit card was entered. Values: key_entered, swipe

Funding Types

paymentCustomer payment made to merchant
refundMerchant initiated refund of previous payment
creditMerchant initiated payment to customer without previous transaction

Payment Source Types

virtual_terminalCreated by merchant in Point of Sale
online_storeCreated by customer in eCommerce Online Store
payment_form_storeCreated by customer in eCommerce Payment Form
subscriptionCreated by billing schedule
order_detailsCreated by merchant from order details page
embeddableCreated by embeddable such as buy now button
process_one_timeCreated by merchant in Collect Payment (classic)
payment_formCreated by payment plan (classic)
recurring_paymentCreated by recurring payment (classic)
payment_planCreated by payment plan (classic)
buyer_portalCreated by paying invoice (classic)
batch_uploadCreated by import batch (classic)
api3Created via API version 3
api4Created via API version 4
ios_posCreated by mobile app using device running Apple iOS
android_posCreated by mobile app using device running Android
iosCreated by mobile app using device running Apple iOS
androidCreated by mobile app using device running Android

Order Fee Properties

idstringUnique identifier of order fee in catalog
namestringName of order fee in catalog.
amount_totaldecimalAmount of order fee charged.
taxesarrayTaxes charged on item (see Tax Properties)