All responses returned by the API are serialized as JSON and returned within a standard wrapper:

    "Meta": {
        "Errors": null,
        "HttpStatus": "OK",
        "HttpStatusCode": 200,
        "PagingDetails": null
    "Response": {
        "CreditCardNumber": "************1111",
        "ExpirationDate": "12/2016",
        "Issuer": "Visa",
        "BillingZipCode": "80205",
        "CustomerId": 8053372,
        "IsDefault": true,
        "RequiresValidation": false,
        "Id": 7321346,
        "LastModified": "2018-05-09T22:12:10.328505Z",
        "CreatedOn": "2018-05-09T21:39:11Z"
    "Meta": {
        "Errors": {
            "ErrorCode": "InvalidInput",
            "ErrorMessages": [
                    "Field": "Issuer",
                    "Message": "Invalid Credit Card Issuer"
        "HttpStatus": "BadRequest",
        "HttpStatusCode": 400,
        "PagingDetails": null
    "Response": null
	"Meta": {
		"Errors": null,
		"HttpStatus": "OK",
		"HttpStatusCode": 200,
		"PagingDetails": {
			"TotalItems": 138,
			"Page": 1,
			"ItemsPerPage": 2
	"Response": [{
			"MiddleName": null,
			"AltEmail": "",
			"AltPhone": "",
			"MobilePhone": null,
			"Fax": "",
			"Website": "",
			"BillingAddress": null,
			"ShippingSameAsBilling": true,
			"ShippingAddress": null,
			"Company": "First's's Company",
			"Notes": "1st created customer",
			"CustomerAccount": "",
			"FirstName": "First",
			"LastName": "Customer",
			"Email": "firstCust@gmail.coms",
			"Phone": "",
			"Id": 9686103,
			"LastModified": "2018-01-03T16:03:03Z",
			"CreatedOn": "2017-06-28T14:05:32Z"
		}, {
			"MiddleName": null,
			"AltEmail": null,
			"AltPhone": null,
			"MobilePhone": null,
			"Fax": null,
			"Website": null,
			"BillingAddress": null,
			"ShippingSameAsBilling": true,
			"ShippingAddress": null,
			"Company": null,
			"Notes": null,
			"CustomerAccount": null,
			"FirstName": "Second",
			"LastName": "Customer",
			"Email": "",
			"Phone": null,
			"Id": 9686161,
			"LastModified": "2017-06-29T13:09:16Z",
			"CreatedOn": "2017-06-29T13:09:16Z"

Provides the HTTP Status Code as a numeric and text representation.

Populated in case of an error. See Error Responses.

Populated when endpoint utilizes paging (see List Customers and List Payments).

The contents of the response. Populated only in the case of a successful request. Most successful response examples in this guide contain only the contents of the Response object for brevity.