Postman is a tool for easily calling REST API endpoints. PaySimple has created a collection containing executable API sample calls.
1. Get Postman
Download the Postman app for Mac, Windows and Linux and install:
2. Get the PaySimple API Test Collection
Download the PaySimple API Test collection and open it in Postman:
3. Set Environment Variables

Click on the Manage Environment button in the top right corner

Add a new environment called PaySimple Sandbox
Set key url
to value
Set keys userId
and apiKey
to your PaySimple Sandbox credentials.
Click the Add
button in the bottom right
Click the X
at the top of the Mange Environments Dialog
3. Select the PaySimple Sandbox environment

Choose "PaySimple Sandbox" from the environments selector at the top of the screen.
4. Execute common scenarios
In the PaySimple API v4 Collection contains several folders with requests for common scenarios:
Make payment with new customer
Creates a customer, creates a credit card account, makes a payment, retrieves the payment, voids the payment, makes another payment that is declined -
Make payment and refund
Makes a payment with customer created in step 1, settles it (simulated for test) and issues a refund -
Executes all Recurring Payment calls -
Executes all Customer endpoints
As the input of most api calls depend on the output of a previous call, they must be executed sequentially.
You can also run all of the scenarios using Postman collection runner (click 'Run Collection' from the' View More Actions' ellipsis or the Runner button at the bottom).