Stripe - ACH


Easily collect bank debit payments from US customers for large or recurring charges to minimize payment failure rates and lower transaction costs. Stripe ACH can very easily be used in conjunction with Stripe Credit Card processing for an all-in-one experience for merchants.

For detailed endpoints, please view our API Reference:
Payments API - ACH Endpoints

ACH Development:

  1. It is not possible to disable the duplicate_check functionality for external ids. All external_id fields must be unique.
  2. In the ACH sales response you will see an “outcome” object showing ‘result’: ‘success’, ‘code’: ‘1000’, and ‘description’: ‘processing’.

Stripe Dashboard

  1. Payouts
    1. The payout will have a list of transactions with settled payments.
  2. Returns
    1. Within your Stripe Dashboard, you will only see the original transactionId.
    2. There will be two transactions ids within the PaySimple product. The original settled payment and a new refund transaction.


Within your Stripe Platform account, you will need a sandbox Connect account for testing.

  1. When testing, ensure you are in Test Mode for the correct account.

ACH Testing Accounts:

Account NumberTokenRouting NumberBehavior
000123456789pm_usBankAccount_success110000000The payment succeeds.
000111111113pm_usBankAccount_accountClosed110000000The payment fails because the account is closed.
000111111116pm_usBankAccount_noAccount110000000The payment fails because no account is found.
000222222227pm_usBankAccount_insufficientFunds110000000The payment fails due to insufficient funds.
000333333335pm_usBankAccount_debitNotAuthorized110000000The payment fails because debits aren’t authorized.

FAQ for Stripe

What are the amount limits for Stripe payments?
The amount limits for Stripe payments are within the range of .50 - 999,999.99.

What are the return codes (r codes) and what do they represent?
The return codes (r codes) are as follows:

  • 000222222227: R01 (insufficient funds)
  • 000111111113: R02 (account closed)
  • 000111111116: R03 (no account)
  • 000333333335: R08 (payment stopped)

How long does it take for an ACH payment to settle in production?
ACH payments take 5-7 business days to settle in production.

Can I void a settled transaction in production?
No, it is not possible to void a settled transaction in production.

When will sandbox transactions settled?
The transaction will settle when the Payout is created. Test mode payouts occur daily.

What webhook return status can be expected and how long does it take?
The return status is coming back from a webhook approximately 10 seconds later.