Stripe CC - Testing Information


Please review the Stripe Testing documentation for additional context:

Below is information to be aware of when coding to PaySimple's APIs for Stripe Credit Card

  1. Sandbox
    1. It is possible to void a settled transaction. This will not occur in Production.
    2. Developers will need to send environment meta data – environment = sbx
      Should send as unified type: curl -X POST "" \ -u 'REPLACE_WITHYOURSECRETKEY': \ -H "Stripe-Version: 2020-08-27; unified_accounts__beta=v1" \ -d "country"="US" \ -d "controller[application][loss_liable]"="false" \ -d "controller[application][pricing_controls]"="true"

Cards used in Testing for successful payments:

Card BrandCard NumberCCV numberExpiration Date
Visa4242424242424242Any 3 digitsAny future date
Visa Debit4000056655665556Any 3 digitsAny future date
Master Card5555555555554444Any 3 digitsAny future date
Mastercard 2 Series2223003122003222Any 3 digitsAny future date
Mastercard Debit5200828282828210Any 3 digitsAny future date
Mastercard prepaid5105105105105100Any 3 digitsAny future date
American Express378282246310005Any 3 digitsAny future date
American Express371449635398431Any 3 digitsAny future date
Discover6011111111111117Any 3 digitsAny future date
Discover6011000990139424Any 3 digitsAny future date
Discover debit6011981111111113Any 3 digitsAny future date

When using these cards in the API, the following responses are different from WorldPay:

  • For Completed Sales:
    • acquirer_message: succeeded
    • authorization_code: 123456 - for all transactions
  • For Auth Until Capture Sales:
    • description: Approved, Requires Capture
    • acquirer_message: requires_capture
  • For Tip Adjustments:
    • Users are unable to adjust the tip amount to be less than or equal to the original charge. Users are only able to update tip amount to be greater than the original amount.
    • American Express cards are unable to be used for tip adjustments as it is not supported by the card brand.

To trigger failures:

DescriptionNumberError CodeDecline Code
Generic decline4000000000000002card_declinedgeneric_decline
Insufficient funds decline4000000000009995card_declinedinsufficient_funds
Lost card decline4000000000009987card_declinedlost_card
Stolen card decline4000000000009979card_declinedstolen_card
Expired card decline4000000000000069expired_cardn/a
Incorrect CVC decline4000000000000127incorrect_cvcn/a
Processing error decline4000000000000119processing_errorn/a
Incorrect number decline4242424242424241incorrect_numbern/a